Home Health BREAKING: UCH CMD, Prof Jesse A. Otegbayo, 11 others test positive to Coronavirus – brings Oyo count to 19

BREAKING: UCH CMD, Prof Jesse A. Otegbayo, 11 others test positive to Coronavirus – brings Oyo count to 19

by Ayodeji Onibalusi
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Prof Jesse Otegbayo UCH CMD

An exclusive report reaching OYOGist.com from an authoritative source in the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, has revealed that there are now 12 new confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the state after all members of a 12-man committee tested positive to coronavirus.

According to a statement sent out by the clinic’s Chief Medical Doctor (CMD) Professor Jesse A Otegbayo, a committee was created on Monday 23rd March, and one member of the committee displayed symptoms of Covid-19 on Wednesday morning.

The samples of the said member were immediately taken for test and the meeting was called off. However, his test results returned positive on Friday morning (23rd of March, 2020) and every member of the committee had to go into self-isolation while their samples were also taken for the test.

Professor Otegbayo just confirmed through a statement that his test result, and indeed that of the other participants, had returned positive on Saturday afternoon.

Recall that OYOGist.com reported that the latest confirmed coronavirus cases as published by NCDC as at 10: 40 PM on Saturday was 7. In light of the new report from the UCH CMD, the confirmed cases in Oyo State now stands at 19.

OYOGist.com has sent this information to NCDC and is awaiting an update from the agency.


Our source is telling OYOGist.com that there are strong likelihood that the whole entourage of the CMD may have been exposed to the virus.

The team of the CMD are yet to be tested for the virus.

Read the full statement shared by the CMD of UCH on the state of his coronavirus status below:

“On Monday 23rd March, we commenced a 12man quarterly board meeting which was meant to last 5 days in the hospital, we observed social distancing and other precautionary measures for covid-19 as much as possible.

However, on Wednesday morning, one of us presented with what appeared to be symptoms of covid-19, his samples were immediately taken for test and the meeting called off.

His results returned positive on Friday morning and every participant (including me) immediately went into self isolation while our samples were also taken for test.

Unfortunately, my result returned positive on Saturday afternoon and I remain in isolation as I am not symptomatic. All staff who have been in contact with me and other participants during this period have been advised to immediately proceed on self-isolation pending the time they get tested.

Covid-19 is spreading faster than we think and I enjoin everyone to take precautions. If one person has it, then a gathering of two becomes dangerous. Stay at home, avoid unnecessary outing and stay safe.


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