Sunday, March 23, 2025
Home InternationalAmerica President Biden Orders Flag to Fly at Half-Staff in Honour of Covid-19 Victims

President Biden Orders Flag to Fly at Half-Staff in Honour of Covid-19 Victims

by Nwani Chisom
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The United States President, Joe Biden has ordered both the U.S. and State of Wyoming flags be flown at half-staff statewide beginning today until Monday, May 16, in remembrance of the one million American lives lost to COVID-19, Oyogist reports.

A statement by the president read;

“Today, we mark a tragic milestone: one million American lives lost to COVID-19. One million empty chairs around the dinner table. Each an irreplaceable loss. Each leaving behind a family,a community, and a Nation forever changed because of thispandemic. Jill and I pray for each of them.

“As a Nation, we must not grow numb to such sorrow. To heal, wemust remember. We must remain vigilant against this pandemic anddo everything we can to save as many lives as possible.

“In remembrance, let us draw strength from each other as fellow Americans. For while we have been humbled, we never give up. Wecan and will do this together as the United States of America.

“In memory of the one million American lives lost to COVID-19 andtheir loved ones left behind, I hereby order, by the authorityvested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States,that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and on all public buildings and grounds, at allmilitary posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the united States and its Territories and possessions until sunset May16, 2022.

“I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-stafffor the same period at all United States embassies, legations,consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including allmilitary facilities and naval vessels and stations.

“IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of may, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-two, and of the independence of the United States of America the two hundred andforty-sixth.

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