Home Breaking News Gov. Dapo Abiodun Lifts Ban on Ogun Weekend Lockdown

Gov. Dapo Abiodun Lifts Ban on Ogun Weekend Lockdown

by Mustapha Olamide
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The Ogun State Government has suspended end of the week lockdown in the state.   Gov. Dapo Abiodun made this declaration on Friday while giving a report on the endeavors of the administration in battling the COVID-19 pandemic in the state.  

The governor clarified that he took the choice after intensive consultation, thought and goal with partners.  

He additionally unveiled that the choice to lift the end of the week lockdown was because of the opening of love places for exercises.  

Abiodun, nonetheless, said the restriction on get-togethers not surpassing 20 individuals at wherever is still in power.   He stated, “Let me state that since our love habitats are open for exercises, the limitations on ends of the week are lifted, yet the constraint on get-togethers not surpassing 20 individuals at wherever simultaneously is still particularly in power.  

“Perception of nightfall to-first light time limitation as coordinated by the Presidential Task Force (PTF) for example somewhere in the range of 10.00pm and 4.00am day by day.   “Wearing of face masks in the general population is obligatory and inability to do so is culpable.   “Just a single traveler is still took into consideration cruisers and two travelers just for tricycles.

Taxis transports despite everything have 60% constraint on their conveying limit and non-adherence pulls in authorize.   “The COVID-19 Task Force in business sectors must keep on guaranteeing physical removing, accessibility of handwashing offices, and utilization of gloves and facemasks for brokers. Disinfecting will proceed in our business sectors and other open spots.”  

Gov. Dapo likewise said the way toward returning Gyms, arcades, pools, hair parlors, spas, beauty Parlors, open stops and fairways is in progress.  

He further noticed that occasion communities, bars, gambling clubs, films, and night clubs are as yet under lockdown.

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