Home Breaking News BREAKING: Protesters storm White House, clash with Police

BREAKING: Protesters storm White House, clash with Police

by Ayodeji Onibalusi
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As protests for the murder of George Floyd intensifies, an unarmed black American man by a white police officer who has since been arrested and charged with 3rd-degree murder, George Floyd protesters have stormed the White House on Saturday.

The police officer, Derek Chauvin, knelt on George Floyd’s neck for approximately 8 minutes and 46 seconds. George became unresponsive 5 minutes into the abusive restraint that many have said was intended to kill him.

The killing that happened on the 25th of May took place in front of bystanders, with people recording the incident. The incident led to days of protests, that saw buildings and police princint burnt.

On the 29th of May, the police officer Derek Chauvin was arrested after being charged with 3rd degreee murder and 1st degree manslaughter.

This did not stop the protest, as the protest went into its 4th day, with protesters taking their anger to the White House, in a seemingly pent-up anger towards President Donald Trump, who has been called racist by many.

Americans are largely unsatisfied with the 3rd-degree murder charge brought against Derek Chauvin, a crime that carries only 25-years in jail, as people have called for the maximum penalty.

Watch the videos of the protests below:

Meanwhile, some protesters were arrested in NY and loaded in a buss by the NYPD, however something surprising happened when the bus driver, in solidarity with the protesters, refused to drive them.

Watch the video below:


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