Home money VIDEO- Female worker getting assaulted by boss caught on camera.

VIDEO- Female worker getting assaulted by boss caught on camera.

by Ellen
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A viral video of a cleaner being beaten by her boss has drawn lots of reactions. Linda Ikeji’s Blog has shared more information.

The incident occurred two weeks ago when the cleaner, Favour, was said to have asked for half her pay after doing a cleaning job in the boss, Nelson’s, new building.

Nelson agreed to pay Precious N130,000 for the job.

“It was further learnt that when the work was almost completed, Favour went to Nelson and asked for half of the money in order for her to pay the boys that helped her with the job. 

Nelson refused to pay her and ordered her out of his compound. When she refused to leave, he threw out her cleaning equipment and brutally beat her with what looked like a rod or wood.

The case was reported to the police and Nelson was arrested but later released. Favour claimed that at the police station, the man boasted that he will use his money and influence to win the case.”

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