Though many of the Housemates were up working on their artwork, there were a few chancers who decided to sleep and deal with the Wager tomorrow. Tolanibaj, Wathoni and Lucy took to the sheets instantly. seemingly asleep before the clock struck 10. With the exception of Tolanibaj who was kept awake by Prince.
Prince was anxious since the Housemates left the Arena for the night. Beginning in the room with Trikytee and Vee, Prince was already taking his loss quite hard. Once all the Housemates had settled for their evening work, Prince went to confide in Tolanibaj who had already settled in for the night. Prince told Tolanibaj that he felt like he was always paired with people who did not want to Win as much as he did.
He confided in her that if he went harder than his teammate, it would not yield them a Win either and so pondered what it meant. He said that this did not transpire in their performance.
He further lamented the HOH Games which he kept losing, even though he wants to Win. He and Tolanibaj discussed the possibility that the HOH Games were almost completely based on luck. Is Prince just unlucky or can he prepare more? Only time can tell.
The Housemates continue today with their Thursday Night Wager and will be sharing their artwork with Biggie this evening- stay tuned!