Later in the evening while Praise and Laycon were still outside Vee asked Erica where she had taken two stew packs. Apparently, while the Housemates were all trying to dish out food, Vee saw Erica take the stew packs to the HoH Lounge.
The conversation looked like it was about to turn into a fight until Erica calmed the situation quickly by telling Vee that she only took portions to the HOH Lounge. Vee looked satisfied until she went to Tolanibaj and told her that she was very upset by the situation in general.
Tolanibaj quelled the situation by telling Vee that she would talk to Kiddwaya about it in the evening.
It seems like food will continue to be an issue for Housemates in the House. Let’s keep an eye to see if the kitchen will continue to sometimes be a battlefield.