Home Entertainment BBNaija: “I wish I could insert Laycon’s mind in kiddwaya’s body”- Erica

BBNaija: “I wish I could insert Laycon’s mind in kiddwaya’s body”- Erica

by Jibson
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Laycon has been in a phase since he opted for letting Erica be to ease the hurt. In a conversation he had earlier with Erica, she agreed to Laycon’s suggestion that he gives her a little breathing space just to get his act together and get over his affection for her.

A strategy that didn’t seem to be working in his favour as he laid in bed mopping. Praise was quick to tell him that he had been moody all morning and needed to get himself together. He even had a notion what he believed Erica was doing to Laycon.

Notwithstanding, he tried to lift Laycon’s mood and even promised to help distract him from Erica. A few of you thought Praise had done enough for Laycon.

Erica on her part can’t seem to get enough of Kiddwaya and this was just after breaking it off a night ago. When Vee and Tolanibaj again asked her if she felt anything for Laycon, she responded that all she was thinking about at that moment was Kiddwaya.

That sealed it for them even though Erica earlier mentioned that she wished she could insert Laycon’s mind in Kiddwaya’s body, but for now, it seems she’s pretty much okay with the physical attraction she has for Kiddwaya

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