Oyogist.com has learned that legendary Indian actor, Dilip Kumar has passed away at the age of 98 leaving a void in cinema and a huge body of work behind, for future filmmakers and actors to learn from.
His death on Wednesday has left the entire Indian film fraternity shocked and in mourning.
The actor was laid to rest at Juhu Qabarastan in Mumbai with full state honours on Wednesday evening.
He was popularly known as the ‘Tragedy King’ of Bollywood, Kumar was known as a method actor who was never limited to genres.
In a career spanning more than five decades, the prolific legend was part of comedies, dramas, romance, and so on.
Some of his best known films include Aan, Daag, Devdas, Madhumati, Azaad, Mughal-e-Azam, Gunga Jamuna, Kranti, Karma, Ram Aur Shyam, among others.
Kumar is survived by his wife, Saira Banu, a Bollywood actress herself. The couple have no children.