The Housemates might have won four million Naira from their Task yesterday, but one Housemate wasn’t exactly pleased with her share and it turned into a mild altercation with names being called.
Not pleased with her share of the prize money, Dorathy remarked that Neo didn’t feed her the toppings of the meal during the Indomie ‘Guess the recipe’ Task and that was why she wasn’t able to guess all accurately.
As she voiced her displeasure in the House, Trikytee responded that if anyone was angry, they should try cooking and see if they could make that cash in a day. Dorathy remarked that if he had gotten her score, he won’t be happy.
To which Trikytee replied that he wasn’t like her: a sore loser. A statement Dorathy didn’t take kindly to and wondered why he would insult her when she didn’t.
Neo tried his best to ignore the side comments about the Task and grievance Dorathy had with him, but he did mention Dorathy’s name in the Diary Room when Biggie asked him who was trying to rain on his win parade.