Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Home Entertainment BBNaija: Vee was shocked Tolanibaj got evicted.

BBNaija: Vee was shocked Tolanibaj got evicted.

by Jibson
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Nengi and Ozo had been talking the whole evening about Nengi’s anger at Ozo choosing Prince for his team in the Betway Trivia Games; and were finally making their way to being cool with each other again this evening. Neo and Vee joined them in the HoH lounge and also discussed the evening. All of them except Vee expressed complete shock at Tolanibaj leaving. Vee mentioned that Trikytee had seen the bottom four, four times and was still here, whereas people who had been here for six weeks, landed up on the bottom 3 today and were out, just like that.

No one knew what the criteria were anymore. Vee ended up saying she would just be anxious until the season is over because people are understanding them now, Ozo and Neo calmed her down, saying she should not play herself.

Neo expressed surprise that his name was called out by Ebuka three times today, expressing that God came through for him tonight! The group laughed and spoke about how Ebuka came to shake tables. Ozo told the Housemates that at the end of the day, you must remember what you came for. 

While the Housemates all go through their ups and downs in the House, one thing is certain, they know they are being watched and they are still struggling to find out how and why they stay or leave. Perhaps the answers to that ill become clear in the next few weeks as we navigate the second half of season 5 of Big Brother Naija. 

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