The US President, Donald Trump has shifted attention to his political enemy, Barack Obama, after sending out series of tweets on Sunday, 10th of May, which was 2020 mother’s day, reports.
On Sunday President Trump increased his attacks on Obama who earlier criticized his approach in handling the coronavirus pandemic. Trump linked former President Obama with the Michael Flynn investigation that ended up with an impeachment inquiry.
During a Friday night call to members of the Obama Alumni Association on the coronavirus pandemic, Obama called Trump’s effort on the pandemic, “an absolute chaotic disaster.”
Obama used the opportunity to call on supporters to rally behind Joe Biden for 2020 US President.
Trump wasn’t impressed with this.
One of the images the President tweeted was one image of the president with the words, “Hope you had fun in investigating me? Now it’s my turn!”
It’s not certain if President Trump is about to launch an investigation into the Obama Administration in retaliation for the investigation led by Nancy Pelosi that led to an impeachment hearing against Trump.
Trump called for investigations into the Obama-era spying of his campaign and pushing the Russia-sponsored 2016-USA election narrative that held that Trump gained unfair advantage from Russia hacking.
How people are reacting to #Obamagate
People are reacting to the trending #Obamagate in different ways, including politicians from both sides, their supporters and the media. As at the time of this report, the hashtag has seen over 2million engagements on Twitter.

While the hashtag has gathered millions of reactions, many believe that Twitter is trying to surpress it in the USA.
Others are pushing for an investigation into the Obama admin and the left’s practice as #Obamagate trends. While this goes on, Republicans are seeing a successful 2020 win for Trump.
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