Popular Ibadan Cleric, Sheikh Taofeeq Akeugbagold has revealed the identity of the mastermind behind his children’s kidnap which took place on Saturday 25th of April at his Ojoo residence, OYOGist.com reports.
He stated that his name is Opeyemi ibraheem Agbenuso odo, a “casual worker” who handled his social media aspects of his Ramadan lectures.

Sheikh Taofeeq claims that he assists Opeyemi on a daily basis, also, Opeyemi is set to be paid #100,000 for his service out of which he had earlier received 25% of the payment.

Akeugbagold talking about Opeyemi, the kidnapper:
“I believe he’s full of wisdom and i penciled him down for HAJJ 2020 with promise to finance his wedding 100% in December. Is it a crime to be nice to an highly talented but jobless young man?”
Akeugbagold disclosed that the kidnapper warmed himself up to him so much that he is still in shock of the betrayal, OYOGist.com reports.