Home Breaking News Black Death: Russia on the run to Save the world from another deadly desease more than COVID-19

Black Death: Russia on the run to Save the world from another deadly desease more than COVID-19

by Amadu Victor
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As the world is grappling with the deadly Coronavirus desease, another shock is on the way. Reports from Moscow has indicated that there is another deadly outbreak of bubonic plague that has originated from Mongolia and China, oyogist.com reports.

According to more reports, the desease has infected several people and has seen over 2,500 adults and over 600 children being vaccinated so far from the desease.

The Black Death disease is reportedly spread by fleas living on wild rodents.And a massive sanitation campaign has since been carried out in remote villages to kill infected fleas that might be carrying the desease.


“A wide distribution of the plague pathogen was revealed in Ovyursky and Mongun-Taiginsky districts with a total area of 131 square miles. In Ovyursky district, the dangerous area is Khandagayty settlement with a population of over 3,000,” Rospotrebnadzor, Russia’s health watchdog said.

“Here, urgently, employees of the epidemiological squad carried out barrier disinfection, treating 4,000 hectares around the village from plague carriers.” added Rospotrebnadzor.

The desease which has been experienced in Mongolia in the regions boardering Russia in the southern Swberia which have been hit by the bubonic plague. The deadly bubonic plague can kill a person within 24 hours if the person is not attended to immediately.

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